Tower Leases

The Benefits of Hiring a Cell Tower Lease Attorney – Comprehensive Legal Assistance and Support

Renting your property to a cell tower company is an excellent way of generating income, and the easiest way to obtain the best conditions for your lease is by hiring a cell tower lease attorney. When negotiating, you will need all the help and legal assistance you can get – the cell company will probably come to the meetings accompanied by the best negotiators, and so should you. There are numerous ways an experienced and qualified cell tower lease attorney can help you get the best deal.

Here is a list with a few examples of how the right lawyer can make dealing with your cell tower tenant much easier:

  • Negotiating the rent – the company you are negotiating with will probably try to decrease the rent. With an experienced negotiator by your side, such as David Espinosa, you will be able to explain to them your own point of view more convincingly, having your arguments formulated in the right language.
  • Protecting your rights as an owner – Cell tower companies often try to limit the rights of the property owner by including clauses that prevent property development. A qualified cell tower attorney can help you see things in perspective and protect your rights as an owner.
  • Protecting you if the tower falls – However safe and solid cell towers may look, accidents can happen. As a property owner, you need to be protected against all possible scenarios by having the right clauses included into your contract.
  • Re-negotiating your lease – Cell tower companies may periodically propose to re-negotiate your lease contract. Sometimes the proposal is favorable for you, sometimes it serves the interest of your tenant and it takes expertise and experience to make the most of the re-negotiation.
  • Legal disputes – Even if the contract you have signed is favorable for you, disputes between you as the owner and the cell tower company as the tenant may arise, and you will need a qualified cell tower lease attorney to handle the problem and support you during a litigation process.
  • Environmental due diligence – Having a cell tower on your property raises not only issues of rental fees and ownership rights, but also questions of environmental due diligence. Installing a cell tower is a complex process that involves environmental screening, risk monitoring and many other processes. Property owners can make informed decisions about leasing their land or building only if they understand the contents of the assessment reports – an area in which experienced cell tower attorneys can offer a great deal of help and support.
  • General lease administration – After signing the lease contract with the cell tower company, you will need to make sure all the contractual clauses are respected by your tenant and you will also need to handle the communication with your tenant. In order to be able to have the entire leasing project go as planned, you will need a qualified cell tower lease attorney to take care of all the legal issues related to your contract.

If you are looking for an experienced and highly qualified legal expert to support your cell tower leasing project, contact David Espinosa, a reputable cell tower expert who can offer you legal guidance and assistant in every process related to leasing your property to a cell tower company, including lease negotiation or re-negotiation, litigation support, environmental due diligence, landlord tenant disputes and general lease administration.